"3 simple words that saved me from my cheating husband…"

"3 simple words that saved me from my cheating husband…"

"Imagine being with someone for over 17 years...

And your whole life went exactly how you imagined.

Until one day, you found out your husband had been cheating on you…

It completely tore me apart.

I remember the day I found the pictures and messages on his phone, which confirmed one of my deepest fears...

I didn’t want to believe it… I couldn’t understand why.

It started out when my husband wanted to get coffee from a random coffee shop.

I thought it was odd because he doesn’t normally drink coffee, but I didn’t really question it since I’m a big coffee lover myself.

The coffee shop was kind of out of our way, so it confused me why he kept insisting to go there all the time.

I was oblivious to the fact that it had been the cashier this whole time…

She barely acknowledged I was even there...

It was like I didn’t even exist

It turns out this cashier was his first girlfriend or “first love.”

I was shocked to find out because i never heard of her… I only found out because of our mutual friends..

I felt so betrayed and embarrassed. How can our friends know about her but not me?

Seeing all of this unfold in front of my eyes completely shattered my confidence.

I felt like i didn’t know who my husband was…

I ended up getting a divorce and it tore me apart.

I lost myself.

SelfLove™ 'I Am Enough Ring

SelfLove™ 'I Am Enough' Ring

You are enough in this world...

I felt like I didn’t know who I was anymore.

I distanced myself from my friends and family and could feel myself slide in to a deep depression...

It took me months to get out of my house or to see anyone.

I felt bad, but luckily all my closest friends/family understood my mental state at the time.

A year passes and my anniversary was approaching…

My best friend Lily, came over to take me out. she knew it was our anniversary and didn’t want me to stay at home moping.

We went out to a bar and drank and it was honestly one of the best nights of my life.

I felt free, but I still felt this massive weight on my shoulders.

Lily could sense this and that’s when she brought out a small jewelry box out of her purse and said “happy anniversary” to me…

I was confused and I obviously wanted to cry…

She insisted i open the box, which I refused because I didn’t want to be pitied…

But I eventually did and I saw a small silver ring nestled in the center of box with 3 words inscribed on the band…

When I read what the ring said, I just broke down...

The ring said "I Am Enough"

I knew this was true deep down. I had been doubting myself the past year and I knew my worth…

When I my confidence was so low, it was so hard to see my true self.

I know it may sound dramatic but I really needed to hear those words…

I kept repeating it over and over again… Lily insisted we go outside to scream it from the top of my lungs until I actually believed it.

It might've been the alcohol and may sound silly...

But it actually worked!

We screamed “ I AM ENOUGH” over and over again and I cried while screaming those words.


I felt a huge weight come off my shoulder.

It was this unexplainable feeling where i felt like myself again…

I have taken the ring off in over 2 years. Long after my divorce, I still glance at my ring and remind myself of those words…

I know it sounds silly, but after a while, if you keep saying those words to yourself over and over again…

You’ll start to believe it... and it’s what I needed at my darkest time.

SelfLove™ 'I Am Enough' Ring

You are enough in this world...

SelfLove™ 'I Am Enough Ring

About Jenna's Story

Jenna was kind enough to let us use her story to show the power of positive self-talk.

She wishes to help others with the same powerful affirmations that got her through her personal struggles.

SelfLove™ 'I Am Enough Ring'

You are simply enough in this world...

SelfLove™ 'I Am Enough' Ring

You are simply enough in this world...